During lockdown, we have found ourselves reaching out and connecting in new ways. We’ve very much been enjoying working with Amanda Stuermer, in collaboration with The World Muse, on a writing circle that sets a new prompt each week and invites our mutual communities across the globe to submit words, poems, prose… all of which contribute to writing ‘the story of us’ – a collective piece that ties our words together in one sequence. Below you will find the cumulative words of week 2, where we drew upon our connection as human beings to nature. The results are beautiful. Thank you to all who contributed.
I will remember
dusty honky streets
silenced by disease
as nature reminds us
of her power
her ferocity
I hear the morning bird sing
a song that had been lost to my ears
I hear the morning rainfall drizzle
its blessing on the parched earth
chests choke with pain
as walls of haze break open
nature is birthing again
mountains stand tall
birds awaken
lakes and rivers
run clean
wild animals
roam free
I feel soft
and powerful all at once
finding that same
deep sense of mothering
within my self
as I give birth
to my very soul
I revisit my wildest dreams
retrace my wildest wanderings
I vow to never be tamed again
and I ask forgiveness
for forgetting my own wonderful wildness
for so long
I am a child of falling rain and birdsong
I breathe in and breathe out
I will remember
I will visit the ruins of cultures past
sit quietly in cliff dwellings
seek wisdom from the Celtic gods
those who lived in
harmony with the earth
who danced to her rhythms
and sang her songs
I will listen to nature’s music
once more
I am a child of ancient civilisations
I breathe in and breathe out
I will remember
I will tend to my bees
in their sacred hive
work in my garden
letting my hands
dig deep into the soil
all the plants by heart
I am a child of dirt and divine fragrance
I breathe in and breathe out
I will remember
I will hike far
from the city noise
to sit beside the water
and let the breeze
brush my skin
I will bathe in
the golden light
of morning sun
and christen
myself in the icy cold
of a mountain stream
I am a child of river sun and sand
I breathe in and breathe out
I will remember
I will step out of my life for a moment
hang it up
and air it out
as I walk on the earth
bare feet bathed in love and dirt
and muse over a Mary Oliver verse
allowing the soft animal of my body
to love what it loves
I am the hummingbird
collecting nectar from beautiful flowers
I am the she wolf matriarch
wisely guiding my pack
I am the dolphin
trusting my intuition and living in peace
I am the doe
quietly keeping my fawns safe by my side
I am the golden retriever
rolling in the fresh green grass
pure joy and love
I am the butterfly
oozing silken threads of confinement
knowing who I am
and where I am going
not looking back
slowly I move
through sun and wind
rain and song
river and sand
dirt and divine fragrance
ancient civilisations
seldom sleeping
my own
I am a child of nature
I breathe in and breathe out
I will remember