Elizabeth Rose, a healer and hypnotist, works to increase all aspects of wellbeing, including love, fertility, life goals and purposes through energy cleanings, aura cleansing, ancestral/familial healing and Angel Reiki. Here she shares with us her experience of the healing properties of particular crystals and the ways they can help us to enhance our lives.
Crystal healing therapy uses crystals and minerals to aid healing in the belief that positive energy from the crystals flows into the body, allowing negative energy to be dispersed. The benefits of crystal therapy are thought to include aiding relaxation, the relief of stress and pain, and balancing energy within the body. The crystals are placed on the sites of pain, on energy vortexes called chakras, acupuncture points or meridians. Each crystal is also associated with a particular archangel or spirit guide and a colour within the light spectrum.
Here Elizabeth guides us through the meanings and properties of some of the most beneficial crystals – one to represent each of the eight chakras.
Beautiful yet steely, this stone works to ground our energy and strengthen and seal the aura. This has a protection and stabilising effect. It also helps us to work systematically through our responsibilities and choices.
Chakra: Root
Colour Therapy: Silver Grey
Archangel Michael & Archangel Metatron
Works to fire up our adaptability and creativity. If you are stuck and blocked – pick up this stone and the ideas will start to flow again. It is a great stone to wear on a date or social occasion.
Chakra: Sacral
Colour Therapy: Orange
Archangel Gabriel
Tiger’s eye
Helps us to focus and move unflinching towards achieving our goals. This stone intensifies the connection between our will and our actions. It also increases confidence and can be a great ally or support in your pocket.
Chakra: Solar plexus
Colour Therapy: Yellow
Archangel Uriel & Archangel Michael
Tsarovite Garnet
With its electrifying green hue, this crystal opens and soothes the heart like few can. It promotes self-love and helps you heal your heart. It can also call True Love to you.
Chakra: Heart
Colour Therapy: Dark Green
Archangel Raphael
Blue Lace Agate
This stone helps you clearly formulate what you are most trying to express. Working to free up and out the authentic self to the world. It works patiently and calmly getting the job done step by step and builds self awareness
Chakra: Throat
Colour Therapy: Light Blue
Archangel Michael & Archangel Haniel.
This stone gives a strong sense of protection through helping us hear our inner wisdom. It will help you close the gap between the persona of the external identity with the personality of the inner you. It can increase psychic ability. It also aids forgiveness
Chakra: 3rd Eye
Colour Therapy: Mauve Violet
Archangel Zadkiel & Archangel Haniel
This crystal is full of Divine Grace and Angelic presence. It takes you to your higher self another realms. It can uplift you out of the base nature of Life and return you to your more noble nature. It facilitates connections of all kinds.
Chakra: Crown
Colour Therapy: Silver White
Archangel Haniel & Archangel Metatron