Breath of Fire purifies the lungs and nasal passages. It’s used in Kundalini yoga and is a rhythmic technique that often helps to improve focus and brings a sense of calm and peace of mind. Here, World Muse founder Amanda Stuermer explains how:

Sufi Grind: Sit cross-legged with palms on knees and eyes closed. imagine is a giant wooden spoon and you are using it stir up some delicious love. Make large, slow circles. Fall in love with yourself. (3 minutes)

Boat Pose with Breath of Fire: Sit on the floor with straight legs in front of you. Inhale and bend your knees so your feet are flat on the floor. Place your hands on the side of your thighs just below your hips, keeping your fingers pointed towards your toes. Exhale and slowly lean back at your hips, lifting your legs, with bent knees, a few inches from the floor. Make sure your back is straight as you draw your shoulder blades together to lift and open your chest. Slowly straighten out your legs. If you cannot straighten your legs, go as far as you can. Arms are reaching forward with palms up. Eyes are open and focused on toes. Now begin breath of fire and imagine that you are literally creating fire in your belly that rises up fill your heart space. (2 minutes)

Forward Fold with Breath of Fire: Lower legs back to mat and gently fold your upper torso over your thighs. Hold on to the outside of your feet with your hands if possible and allow your head to drop. With closed eyes, begin breath of fire again and imagine the fire in your belly now illuminating and expanding the back of your heart space. (1 minute)

Ego Eradicator with Breath of Fire: Sit up straight with chest open and legs outstretched (can also sit in easy pose). Curl your fingertips to the top pads of your palm and extend your thumbs away. Lift the arms to a 60 degree angle, with the thumbs aimed at each other over the head. Begin breath of fire with eyes closed. To end, inhale and bring your thumbs to touch over your head, then exhale opening the fingers. (3 minutes)

Lie back on your mat with as little movement as possible. Let your body fully integrate the experience of your practice. Hormones will be rushing through your body; imagine the endorphins you just created are eating any stress hormones. (As long as your heart desires)
Click here to find out more about how Amanda Stuermer balances her work with her own wellbeing here.