In this time of uncertainty, it can feel like we’re all desperately trying to hold it together – to manage our fears and anxieties, the needs of our families and the safety of our communities. So we wanted to take a brief moment to remind you that you also need to be kind to yourself. We checked in with our team and asked them to tell us about one small step they’ve taken to help ground themselves this week:
Valerija, Face Expert
I’ve increased my meditation time to help me to ground myself. And I’m also trying to focus on the experiences and activities that make me happy and bring me joy.
Ilaria, Front of House
I’ve been walking in nature, which is both restorative and relaxing. Plus I’ve been staying in contact with the people I love via social media and calls and keeping my mind busy by challenging myself to learn new things.
Jamila, Founder
I have two kids so I’ve made them my priority. I’ve set us a creative project that we can do as a family – we’re building a big nest out of twigs we gather outside, which will take us a few days to complete. I find having things to do with your hands and using your creativity really helps to switch the mind from daily worries and allows you to feel a little happier and lighter in your soul. Something that works for kids and adults alike! Our next project is decorating empty water bottles to make candle holders.
Sally, Head of Communications
I’ve been preparing a daily cup of Gazelli rosebud tea, making time to mindfully watch the buds impart their essence and scent into the water. And then decanting every last delicious drop to make a hot infusion I can wrap my hands around and lose myself in. I’ve also been helping out at my local market, assisting in preparing home deliveries.
Ilona, Body Expert
I’ve been keeping grounded by making time each day to do some yoga and breathing exercises.
Alex, Head of Wellbeing
I’ve been playing with my dog Stewie – animals are known to help to relieve stress and their innocent joy in life is infectious. I’ve also been clearing my space with an Owl & The Apothecary Wild Smudge Stick – a mix of wild harvested sage, rosemary and lavender, it gives you and your home a kind of spiritual spring clean. Plus I’ve been making sure I absolutely take some exercise each day.
Gabriella, Accounts
I’ve just signed up for nine weeks of online yoga. So far, so good.
Vilma, Facilities Manager
I’ve been trying out new recipes – though I have to admit that some have been less successful than others! Taking walks in wild parks and forests has been an essential to boost my sense of wellbeing and give me a daily uplift. And I’ve also been able to catch up on a lot of books I’ve been wanting to read for ages.
Naomi, Visual Merchandising Executive
I’ve been trying to stick to my daily routines as much as possible. And I always go for a run in the evenings – I think it’s essential to make sure you get out of the house and have some fresh air each day.
Jasmin, Reiki Master
I’ve been making time for a daily Reiki Meditation. Here, I’ve shared a simple meditation you can do at home.