We are turning to our wonderful Gazelli family of experts for their thoughts and contributions on a weekly theme. This week, we ask ‘What’s Your Intention?’ in these changeable times – and discover guidance, shared sentiment and positive, guiding light.
Meredith Whitely – Founder of Food at Heart
To take this time to slow down and focus on the things and relationships that truly matter, without the distractions of over-activity.
Kate Taylor – Empowerment Life Coach and Practical Magic Founder
To honour the cycle of shedding and re-generation. I am tuning into what no longer serves me from what I knew before, and trying to be in the space to feel into what I am being called to re-birth. I am the mother of re-invention.
Jamila Askarova – Gazelli Founder
To accept that our future paths will be different to what I envisioned and create a new way of living, understanding and communicating for me and my family – to find a new way of being balanced, being a unit and being truly happy.
Eminé Rushton – Author and Editor of Oh Magazine
To listen to my heart.
Alexandra Lisiecka – Head of Wellbeing at Gazelli
To keep calm and carry on. To set a bit of routine in place and be my best with my loved ones.
Mira Manek – Author and Wellness Consultant
To focus only on the day ahead, doing things that I know will make me happy – a yoga class, sitting in the sun, catching up with a friend, using deep breaths to calm myself, and writing.
Amanda Stuermer – World Muse Founder
I am approaching this time with as much softness as possible. What is happening out in the world is affecting what is happening inside each of us. Emotions like fear and anxiety are being heightened and I am using my breath work to soften around them. When I hold these emotions in a compassionate way, my body responds to them differently.
Jasmin Harsono – Reiki Master:
My intention is to slow down, to honour being in the present and to make peace with what I cannot control in the past or future.
Ilaria Callegari – Front of House at Gazelli
My intention is to connect with a slow-paced life, with myself and with Nature.
Lera Zujeva – Tea Specialist
Set an intention for yourself each week to bring more heart and love to your actions throughout each day. Can you wash dishes with love? Can you walk from one room to another and love the feel of the floor beneath your feet? Can you love your tea – not just being mindful of it, but actually bringing the FEELING OF LOVE to it? It’s about doing whatever you are doing with your whole being, rather than just doing it. These days, especially when we are contained within our homes, it’s becoming even more important to start bringing loving attention to our ordinary daily activities.
Ilona Major – Body Expert at Gazelli
My intention is to hunt the truth, because the truth set you free!
Rachida Benamar – Founder of Rama Publishing and Coach
My intention is to focus my energy on reconnecting with old friends who I haven’t spoken to in a while because I’ve been too busy with work. It’s a perfect time to rekindle the relationships that mean so much to us but that we have let slide for too long.
Valerija Lifanova – Face Expert at Gazelli
My intention is to acknowledge my true interests and what truly makes me happy in life.
Belle Benfield – Visual Artist and Herbalist
Stay grounded in thanks. Give thanks to the Earth. Give thanks to the plants that provide us with food and medicine. Give thanks to the sun, rain and soil that feed them. Behind all our chatter, they still grow and still give – and we can too.
Vilma Sinceviciene – House Facilities Manager at Gazelli
My intention is to keep calm, focus on things that make me happy, stay healthy – and don’t stop dreaming.
Our weekly prompts will become a mini-series – next week we’ll be asking our family of experts ‘show us their home working space’. We’d love you to join in on Instagram using the hashtag #GazelliFamily and tagging us @gazelliwellbeing
If you have any suggestions for weekly prompts let us know – you can email us at mailto:info@gazelli.co.uk