Journalling for Anxiety
Journalling can help you to process what is happening around you, giving you a space to explore your emotions and to begin to figure out how to head into a period of change in a way that is confident, prepared and embracing of everything you are.
What is the best way to start?
Many people find it helpful to use prompts to get them started. I’ve drawn up a few that seem appropriate for this period of change as schools and workplaces reopen – both to help you to examine how you feel and to put in place the support you need to step into the future with confidence:
What have you learned in these past months that you would like to bring with you into this new phase?
What do you need to let go of?
Describe the new beginning or change you are facing right now. What emotions does it bring up?
How will you face and deal with fear or worry as it arises?
Who or what do you have supporting you through this transition? Do you need to put anything else in place to support you?
What lessons and strengths are you bringing with you through this transition?
What can you do to care for yourself through this period?
A letter from your future self
This exercise is a little different. It consists of writing a letter to yourself now, exactly as you are, from your future self. To begin with, imagine you are at a point some weeks or months ahead. Talk about how it feels to have handled this period of change, how you have grown and what you have learned. Write about how you are feeling and what you are doing to manage your emotions, your mental health and the practicalities of the change. Try writing this letter in the present tense, as if you are telling the story to a friend. And try not to edit yourself too much – remember, no-one else has to read this! Spend about ten minutes on this one and see what comes up.
You can find Kat on Instagram as @booksofnotes
If you want more prompts for your journalling, Gazelli House Wellbeing Shop stocks the beautiful Daily Review Planner from Rama Publishing to inspire you to take the steps to identify and achieve your goals.