An Interview with Laurey Simmons, founder of the Colourful Dot
Meet Laurey from the Colourful Dot. Laurey is the founder of this beautiful company that sources crystals from all over the world, as well as from the United Kingdom. For a long time, she was a make up artist to the stars, before moving into crystals, and has also written a wonderful book called The Inner Beauty Bible, signed copies of which are available in our shop.
How did you first discover the magic of crystals? Do you remember the first crystal you ever owned?
My love of the mineral kingdom started when I was very young. Some of my most precious childhood memories are of walking the beaches of Mallorca with my mum, looking for the prettiest pebbles, just feeling a sense of wonder, even at this young age, for the beauty of Mother Nature and her magical powers.
And as time went by, my love shifted to crystals. I remember first becoming interested in crystals during a difficult time in my life. I was feeling quite down emotionally. I’d just had a flare-up of Crohn’s (an inflammatory auto-immune condition of the stomach), and I was seeking extra support and some healing. I started going for crystal healing myself. I remember my first ever healing session with Sandra, entering the sacred space and feeling the energy of all the beautiful crystals laid out before me. I was immediately transported to that same place of tranquil beauty and inner peace I had felt on the beach as a child collecting pebbles. And so, my love affair with crystals was born. I later trained under Sandra to become an energy and crystal healing practitioner.
How would you recommend choosing a crystal that is right for you?
Begin by connecting to that loving space in your heart. Allow for trust to flow and gently connect to your intuition. Take the crystal in your hand, or if buying online focus your gaze on the crystal. If you feel the crystal speak to you in the form of a flutter in your heart, a natural pull you can’t explain, perhaps it brings comfort, joy or peace to you, then this is the crystal for you.
How would you suggest caring for your crystals?
Nurturing your crystals is very important. It helps the true power of the crystal to radiate fully. I recommend cleansing the energy of your crystals every week or whenever they look dull or you feel somehow the energy of the crystal feels off. If you are using your crystals a lot, then it’s important to cleanse them regularly. Ultimately, your relationship with the mineral kingdom should be reciprocal: if you show respect & love to your crystals, they will support and guide you in your path.
What are your tips for displaying crystals?
Displaying your crystals can be a beautiful ritual in itself. Take the time to slow down and listen to your intuition about where the crystals want to be placed. Some crystals do energetically complement particular areas of the home. So for example Amethyst, Lepidolite, Moonstone in the bedroom to bring peace and relaxation, Clear Quartz in the office to energise & bring focus. Clear Apophyllite works well in any room. It’s main property is to clear unwanted energy, so placing a piece in each room will help to keep the energy in your home clean and flowing. I like to place Rose Quartz near the entrance of my home so friends are greeted with a loving energy as they enter my space. I also keep Black Tourmaline, Smokey Quartz or Turquoise at my door, to protect from negative energy entering my home. Another wonderful way to celebrate your crystals is to display them in a Sacred Space. Keeping a sacred space is a precious gift to our soul, a mirror reflecting back to us our inner-beauty. In the words of Joseph Campbell, ‘A sacred space is where you can find yourself over and over again.’
Tell us about your next collection for Gazelli House?
I’ve had such a wonderful time pulling this collection together and I can honestly say it really is a beautiful selection of crystals. There are lots of sparkles with dreamy pastel and natural tones. There are a couple of amazing larger Blue Celestite crystals, one with chunkie blue crystals and another with small and very sparkly crystals that twinkle with beauty in the natural light. Celestite radiates a high vibrational angelic energy. It supports communication on all levels and helps us connect more sweetly to our angles and our guides. Apophyllite is a wonderful crystal that can be placed throughout the home to help the energy remain clear and free flowing, and there are some stunning examples in this collection. A favourite of mine from this collection, is a large Clear Apophyllite & Peach Stilbite cluster. A truly stunning piece with chunky sparkly clear crystals and deposits of silky and shimmery Peach Stilbite. The Clear Apophyllite brings a clearing quality, while the Stilbite brings a peaceful energy. Also in this collection there is an exquisite cluster of Clear Quartz. As soon as I laid my eyes on this piece I knew I had to include it into this collection. The clarity is wonderful and it is full of double terminated points, but what makes it really special is the rainbow flashes. Rainbow crystals can bring us hope. When you see a natural rainbow dancing inside a crystal, it is possible that this rainbow formed when the crystal was growing in the earth & received some kind of knock or trauma. These rainbows remind us that any knocks or setbacks we receive can, if we have the right perspective, help us grow the rainbow inside of our own hearts, so that we can share our beautiful light with others in the world… In the words of Maya Angelou, ‘Be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud.’
How do you balance your work and wellbeing?
My day is busy. Besides running The Colourful Dot, I have a wonderful 3 year old little girl and so I’ve learnt over the years that meditation doesn’t always have to come in the form of sitting quietly in the lotus position, but can be weaved in to your everyday tasks…..one of my favourite Buddhist teachers Sylvia Boorstein says that meditation can be as simple as ‘the sweet way you fold the towels.’
I also like to take little breaks throughout the day as I find it really helps to bring a feeling of equilibrium. I’ll go and be in my garden for maybe 5 to 10 mins and nurture my plants or vegetable patch or listen to some beautiful music. I love a musician called Peia. Her music literally heals me and I often have her playing while I’m working. Check her out!
What mantra do you live by?
‘When you know better you do better.‘ Maya Angelou.